June/July Update

It's been a wonderful summer here in Ukraine. We are making more connections with people and God is showing us His way more and more. For us, it has been a season of visiting.

The Church here in Sumy has been blessed to have Anatoli and Lucy for a visit again this summer. Anatoli preached on Sundays and also conducted Bible studies for the church members during the weekdays. What is the sense of life? What is the sense of believers? Why did Jesus come? Why did the Holy Spirit come? And he also did a study on John 1-4. The atmosphere seemed light and happy when they were here.

Ladies blessing Anatoli on his last Sunday

Brett's parents, Charles and Yvonne White and his nephew Zachary Dasher visited. What a wonderful time we had with family here! We have always prayed that some of our people could join us over here and this was the first time it has happened. We're so glad they got to experience life over here if only for a few days. Dad who is a veteran of mission work in Central American countries preached at church on the Sunday they were here.

Charles, Yvonne, Zach, Brett, Alicia, Bella

On the weekend of this writing, we will be hosting four Abilene Christian students as guests. One of them, JaneAnn Kenney, goes back a long way with Alicia-- Alicia used to babysit for her!

Grady Bryan gave us some good advice for making more contacts with Ukrainians. We've tried it and it works. He said, "the three of you need to just drop in on people. No, don't call. Just show up (and say) 'We were out walking and decided to drop in.'" It doesn't fit with our American mores, but it seems to be the key to breaking the ice here.

Tim Johnson also visited with a productive outcome for us and for the church.

Tim holding a meeting at Sumy Church