Prayer #3

Maleetva # 3:
Otez nash nebesniy!
Blagadareem Tebya za looboaf Tvayoo.
Blagadareem Tebya za etat den
Blagadareem Tebya za Ceena ee spaseneeya
Blagadareem Tebya za xlep.

Me loobeem Tebya, Gospoad'.
Die nam sealy, zdaroveea, terpinea
Pomogee nam harrashow govareet ee poneemat pa russky
Me clabeet Tebya ee malimcya. Ameen.

And now in English:

Prayer # 3

Our heavenly Father!
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for this beautiful day
Thank you for your Son and salvation
Thank you for the bread

We love you God
Give us strength, health, patience
Help us to speak and understand Russian well
We praise you and pray. Amen.

(these prayers are numbered because we are learning them in class-- one at a time)