September 7,2006

School is going well so far. We are enjoying getting to know other students. There are many couples around our age; several of the ones we have met have small children. We plan on having people over often for fellowship. Once I get the grocery shopping and cooking down a little more, I will start cooking for others. Brett and I feel this is one way we want to serve others.

Speaking of shopping, Brett and I find it interesting how many varieties of ketchup there are. They are Ukrainian brands and when we choose one, we basically have to go by the picture on the package until we learn food words. The bad thing though is some foods have Ukranian writing instead of Russian, so we'll have to wing it. (We did find Heinz at a grocery store nearby, so we picked that up too :) I am getting good ideas from classmates. We are eating lunch at the school every day, so we get to hang out with people that are in other time slots and some are second year students, so they have lots of good advice. Today we found out which store has burritos and tacos and we also found out there is a movie theater that plays movies in English once a week. It's not too far from us; even if it is it will probably be worth it. I don't know if they are new movies, but we will definitely check into it.

Today, we had to combine classes with another first year class because our teacher's husband had to have emergency surgery. He apparently had a stroke a while ago and whatever happened yesterday has caused him to need brain surgery. I don't remember his name, but please pray for him and our teacher.

It's so weird to live in another country. I think we are slowly getting accumstomed to it. I think about my life a year ago and it strikes me as pretty amazing that I live across the world now. I know God has led us here to join Him in His work here in Ukraine. I miss my family, my friends, and my state, but He gives me strength to be here and not become overwhelmed by these longings.

I hope as we blog, it keeps you connected to us, despite the miles between us. We pray for our family and friends daily.
Love, Alicia